Tuesday, December 17, 2013

(Almost) One Week Until We Leave!

Hello, this is Eli in Europe (not yet) with my first post  on my brand new blog!  From December 25th, when I leave for Brussels, Belgium, to January 2nd, when I return to New York, I will write daily posts as I explore Europe. Specifically, I will be visiting Brussels and Amsterdam in addition to a few other cities on the way, such as Antwerp, Bruges, and Ghent. If you have never heard of these places or know very little about them, it's your lucky day! Don't get too excited. I'll post pictures, videos, and relatively brief descriptions of each stop along my journey. Until I leave, however, there will be one or two posts about preparing for the trip, but nothing too interesting. Enjoy the blog and feel free to comment, ask questions, or make incredibly rude and nonsensical comments.

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